Other Writing

Currently we are working on Emily's Darkness turning it into an audiobook. It should be finished by the end of September.

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This is a fact sheet I made about myself during a book tour. 10 facts people don't know about me.

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This is a song I wrote in 2022 called Sacred Water.. It is just a demo. I have also written Swept Away, Find Me, and In God I Trust. I am listed on Reverbnation.

Sacred Water

Sacred Water baptizing my daughter. Her body is a temple, that needs it everyday. Pouring it's blessing and gifts from heaven, God's love is here to stay. He is my rainbow of hope. Sacred Water, her faith brought her. It's christ that makes us whole 2x. Doing all things through him who strengthens me. I am not alone, not...

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I just felt like sharing this because I wrote this book last summer and summer is coming. I've started a new book. It's paranormal. I will work on it this summer.

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Overview of my story Love on All Hallows Eve. It is now sold with The Mystery of Frankenstein's Bride.

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An article I wrote in 2022 for my book tour.

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The links to my series' 2022 tour.

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Martha Wickham's interview on smashwords

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